The British Personalist Forum is a British group aiming to promote personalist thinking especially in Britain but also overseas.
Through our journal Appraisal and our blog we aim to give personalist thinkers the opportunity of freely sharing their ideas.
There is no charge for accessing any of the content on our website and publishing in Appraisal or on our blog is also free of charge. We depend on the generous donations of our supporters to finance our website and our aim to advance Personalism which we see as the philosophy of the twenty first century. We are especially interested in British personalists, notably Michael Polanyi, John Macmurrary and Austin Farrer; As a ‘Forum’ rather than a ‘Society’ or ‘Association’, we would like members to take an active part in our work, even though many live outside Britain.
If you would like to play an active role in our forum or know more about and joining our team please email us: we would be very pleased to hear from you.