Appraisal Volume 14, No. 1, Special Issue, Spring 2024ISSN 2514-5584
Notes on Contributers
Juan Manuel Burgos (www.juanmanuelburgos.es) is the author of the Integral Personalism theory. He is founder and president of the Spanish Association of Personalism (www.personalismo.org), of the Ibero-American Association of Personalism and of the Indexed Journal (Scopus) "Quién. Journal of Personalist Philosophy". He is also Professor at Villanueva University. He has published around 100 scientific articles and 20 individual books. His books have been translated into English, Polish, Portuguese and German. His latest publications are Personalist Anthropology: a philosophical guide to life (Vernon Press, 2022), Personalism and Metaphysics (Vernon Press 2023), La Fuente originaria: una teoría del conocimiento (Comares 2023). Josef Seifert is a well-known philosopher who moves in the field of phenomenology and personalism. A disciple of Von Hildebrand, he founded the International Academy of Philosophy in 1980. He has published more than 100 works of philosophy and is currently a professor at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich. Alfred Marek Wierbicki is a personalist philosopher, who has been director of the John Paul II Institute of the Catholic University of Lublin from 2006 to 2014. He is currently working at Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. He has published more than 150 scientific papers and is the author of 6 books. He specializes in personalist thought and on the topic of violence. James A. Harold, Ph.D. Philosophy, M.A. Psychology is Professor Emeritus at The Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio, USA). Weronica Janzcuk, Ph. D. Philosophy is a Literary Agent. Diana Prokofyeva is an associate professor at 'LETI' in St. Petersburg, Russia. She is a member of the American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought and was a visiting scholar at the Phenomenology Research Center at SIUC (2018-2019). She is the author of more than 30 publications and 2 book chapters (The Search for Stability in Chaotic Times: Niccolo Machiavelli, 2019; Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2020). Her research interests are: Personalism, Existentialism, Social Philosophy, Estrangement and Engagement in Modern Society, Philosophy of Education. Editors James Beauregard is a Lecturer at Rivier University. His research interests are in the field of bioethics, neuroethics and personalist philosophy. He is a member of the Spanish Personalist Association and is on the board of directors of the International Conference on Persona. He has published Philosophical neuroethics. A personalist approach (Vernon Press, 2019). Abigail Klassen is the editor of Appraisal. She holds a PhD in Philosophy and has taught across a range of disciplines in universities across the US and Canada. |