Appraisal Volume 13, No. 1, Spring 2023ISSN 2514-5584
Notes on Contributers
Diana Prokofyeva is an associate professor at ‘LETI’ in St. Petersburg, Russia. She is a member of the American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought and was a visiting scholar at the Phenomenology Research Center at SIUC (2018-2019). She is the author of more than 30 publications and 2 book chapters (The Search for Stability in Chaotic Times: Niccolo Machiavelli, 2019; Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2020). Her research interests are: Personalism, Existentialism, Social Philosophy, Estrangement and Engagement in Modern Society, Philosophy of Education. Henrieta Serban is a senior researcher at the Institutes of Philosophy and Psychology ‘Constantin Radulescu-Motru’ and of Political Sciences and International Relations ‘Ion I. C. Bratianu’ of the Romanian Academy. She is PhD Hab. and correspondent member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Her research interests focus on political philosophy, (soft) ideology, feminist theory, social epistemology and Romanian philosophy. She has published on these themes various works. Her most recent published books are Symbolical Forms and Representations of Socio-Political Phenomena (in Romanian, 2017) and Neopragmatism and Postliberalism. A Contemporary Weltanschauung (bilingual, Romanian-English, 2021). Richard Prust is Professor of Philosophy emeritus, St. Andrews University (US). Author of Wholeness: The Character Logic of Christian Belief and co-author, with Jeffery Geller, of Personal Identity in Moral and Legal Reasoning. [email protected] |