Appraisal Volume 12, No.s 3 and 4, Spring and Autumn 2021ISSN 2514-5584
EditorialR. T. Allen
This is a delayed and thin joint issue consisting of two full papers from our Zoom conference in June, by Giorgio Baruchello and Ársæll Már Arnarsson on humour with two responses to it, and Henrieta Serban’s article on Emile Cioran, who cheerfully wrote books, first in Romanian and then in award-winning French, on despair. Then comes my Discussion item, the fundamental ‘problem’ of modern philosophy, that philosophers think that philosophy has ‘problems’, followed by my review of an important book, ‘The Priority of the Person’.
In Vol. 13 next year we hope to have special features on Hispanic personalism which has its own and distinctive contributions to personalist thinking. If you can contribute to them, please do so, and please use our Blank Page and Style Guide to compose them. As Acting Editor, I have no help at all and in future shall have to return any submissions which do not meet our requirements. We also welcome suitable articles on our topics. If our Forum and Appraisal are to survive and flourish, then we need help from our members, especially for members prepared to serve as Editor, or Assistant Editors or Chairman. Some of these responsibilities can be fulfilled from anywhere via the internet. Help with the website and finance would also be welcome, plus volunteers to publicise the Forum, Appraisal and conferences. The World Conference on Personalism will be held in Mexico on August 1st to 5th in Mexico. For further details and the Call for Papers go to https://www.personalismo.org/mexico2022/, which is in Spanish. Further details will be circulated later. Finally, please reply to my Discussion item and to anything else in this issue. R. T. Allen |